The Inno Script Studio Interface

Inno Script Studio presents your Inno Setup script in a logically structured, graphical interface. The core interface elements are:
  • Multi Tab Script Editor
  • Section Actions Lists
  • Compiler & Debugger output logs and
  • Translatable elements (Menus, Dialogs, Compiler & Debugger Message Text, etc...)
Inno Script Studio's interface is dockable and fully customizable.
feature debugger

Intergrated Debugging

A debugging engine is fully integrated inno the Inno Script Studio's IDE. You can set breakpoints, step between code lines & view installer variables to aid debugging your installation scripts.

Unicode & ANSI Compiler Support

Inno Script Studio has fully integrated support for both the unicode & ANSI Inno Setup compiler versions. This allows you to compile your installation script without having to run or install different versions of the standard Inno Setup IDE, just point Inno Script Studio at the compiler you wish to use.
feature unicode
Pre & Post Compile Actions

Pre & Post Compile Actions

Add Pre & Post compile actions to the standard Inno Setup script to extend your installation script to allow processing that is not currently avaiable with the Inno Setup compiler.
Customizable Syntax Engine

Customizable Syntax Engine

Based on the popular Scintilla editor component, Inno Script Studio's syntax engine allows the display of all syntax elements to be easily customized.
Plugin Framework

Plugin Framework

Inno Script Studio's fully integrated Plugin Framework allows developers to extend existing features and functions as well as allowing new features and functions to be added.
Detailed Logging

Detailed Logging

Output from all actions in the compiling process & debugger is directed to the output log. The log maintains a time stamped structure, which makes it easy to navigate the log files. Logs can be exported in text format, or saved during the compiling process.
Themed Installers using ISSkin

Themed Installer

Inno Script Studio allows you to add visual styles to your installer when you have the outstanding ISSkin by Codejock addon for Inno Setup installed.


Inno Script Studio may be used free of charge, but as with all free software there are costs involved.

So if you wish to express your appreciation for the time and resources the authors have expended developing and supporting Inno Script Studio, and also help defer the costs of running the web site and continued development, we do accept and appreciate donations.