View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000429Inno Script StudioGeneralpublic2018-02-24 14:55
Reportersimon.sutcliffeAssigned Totimchilvers 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformIntelOSWindows 7OS VersionSP1
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000429: Open #Include Files
DescriptionNew open include file feature does not work.
Steps To ReproduceWhen in the "Inno Setup Script" view and you right click over the include files, you will see in the menu for open the include file but clicking this results in nothing.

When in the "Pascal Code" view and you right click over the include file there is no menu option to open it.
Additional InformationInnosetup 5.5.0a installed
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0000430 resolvedtimchilvers Add Open #Include File menu item to the Pascal Code view 



2012-07-05 06:53



2012-07-05 10:40

administrator   ~0000423

Last edited: 2012-07-05 10:42

View 2 revisions

Currently the Code Section does not support the opening of the #include files.

If the include file is not opened from the Script View then this normaly indicate that it was not able to find the file.

Has this been test with the full file patch in the include line? E.G. #include 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5\Examples\64bit.iss'


2012-07-05 11:39

reporter   ~0000430

Hi Tim

You are correct if I include the full path this does work. However all elements of my iss scripts use relative paths so I can move the project around without re-engineering.

Let me know if you have more questions.


2012-07-05 20:09

administrator   ~0000431

Hi Simon,

I think I have fixed the issue. Can you please test using the latest test build from:



2012-07-05 21:12

reporter   ~0000432

Hi Tim

Sorry to say no difference with the test download.

#include "service_functions.iss"

Right click and choosing Open #Include File

Results in nothing happening

Uninstalled and reinstalled just in case it was not getting updated and same issue. But looking at the install files they are dated 3/7/2012 I would suspect them to be 5/7/2012.


2012-07-05 21:30

administrator   ~0000433


Sorry it seems I compiled the wrong installer script for the test version. I have tested the install from the above download and it is working on my test VM.

If ISStudio is unable to find the include file you should now be prompted with an error message giving the full path it is checking for the include file.

Could you please re-download from the above link and try again.



2012-07-05 22:09

reporter   ~0000434

Hi Tim

Yep looks like it is fixed in this build.



2012-07-06 09:25

administrator   ~0000435

Hi Simon,

Thats great news. I'll create a feature request for the opening of include files in the Pascal Code view.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-07-05 06:53 simon.sutcliffe New Issue
2012-07-05 06:53 simon.sutcliffe File Added: Inno_Script_Studio.2.0.2 - Open Include File - Code.png
2012-07-05 10:38 timchilvers Assigned To => timchilvers
2012-07-05 10:38 timchilvers Status new => assigned
2012-07-05 10:40 timchilvers Note Added: 0000423
2012-07-05 10:42 timchilvers Note Edited: 0000423 View Revisions
2012-07-05 10:43 timchilvers Status assigned => feedback
2012-07-05 11:39 simon.sutcliffe Note Added: 0000430
2012-07-05 11:39 simon.sutcliffe Status feedback => assigned
2012-07-05 20:09 timchilvers Note Added: 0000431
2012-07-05 20:09 timchilvers Status assigned => feedback
2012-07-05 21:12 simon.sutcliffe Note Added: 0000432
2012-07-05 21:12 simon.sutcliffe Status feedback => assigned
2012-07-05 21:30 timchilvers Note Added: 0000433
2012-07-05 21:30 timchilvers Status assigned => feedback
2012-07-05 22:09 simon.sutcliffe Note Added: 0000434
2012-07-05 22:09 simon.sutcliffe Status feedback => assigned
2012-07-06 09:25 timchilvers Note Added: 0000435
2012-07-06 09:25 timchilvers Status assigned => resolved
2012-07-06 09:25 timchilvers Resolution open => fixed
2012-07-06 09:30 timchilvers Relationship added related to 0000430
2018-02-24 14:55 timchilvers Status resolved => closed