View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001877Inno Script StudioGeneralpublic2018-05-17 13:28
ReporterajtruckleAssigned Totimchilvers 
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
Product Version2.2.2 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001877: Excluding attribute in files section
DescriptionWith a file entry it supports a exclude section. I see it on the advanced tab but can’t do anything with it.

I manually typed it and even that wouldn’t show in the window.

Please advise.
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2018-05-17 13:28

administrator   ~0001169


Reviewing the Inno Setup documentation at shows examples of the exclude parameter only being used with the Folder style source and this is the current way the File Properties dialog is configured.

Source: "*"; Excludes: "*.~*"
Source: "*"; Excludes: "*.~*,\Temp\*"; Flags: recursesubdirs

Using this parameter for a specific file does not seam to make sense as there is nothing to exclude. If I am thinking of this wrongly then please let me know with an example of how it would be used and I can make the changes to the properties dialog

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-04-05 04:29 ajtruckle New Issue
2018-05-17 13:28 timchilvers Note Added: 0001169
2018-05-17 13:28 timchilvers Assigned To => timchilvers
2018-05-17 13:28 timchilvers Status new => feedback