View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001859Inno Script StudioGeneralpublic2021-07-05 04:43
ReportercacofonyAssigned Totimchilvers 
Status assignedResolutionreopened 
Product Version2.2.1 
Target VersionFixed in Version2.2.2 
Summary0001859: - PreCompile batch files
DescriptionStill notice the same issue reported in issue: 0001858
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0001858 resolvedtimchilvers - PreCompile batch files 
related to 0001860 assignedtimchilvers PostCompile Name - ".." meaned InnoScript Studio dir, but not dir with .iss 



2015-03-09 06:45

reporter (2,351 bytes)


2015-03-09 06:47

reporter   ~0001129

I have uploaded an example script and batch file.

If you run install\signing\Sign Client.bat from explorer it will show working directory expected and 2 examples of file and pass of file locations.

If you run the ISS script the working directory will not be correct.


2015-03-09 16:03

administrator   ~0001130

Confirmed with the example script. Will need some further investigation and testing


2015-03-09 18:52

administrator   ~0001131

Reverted Pre/Post path handling code to use the older code from 2.1. Can you please try the test build that can be downloaded from

Can you please confirm the behavior is as expected when running the batch script from the Pre-compile section


2015-03-12 04:02

reporter   ~0001142

Thanks! Testing this version works as expected.


2015-03-12 13:09

administrator   ~0001143

Corrected path correction issues


2021-07-05 04:00

reporter   ~0001174

This bug is back in the latest release


2021-07-05 04:37

reporter   ~0001175

Sorry ignore, found it a script issue


2021-07-05 04:40

reporter   ~0001176

In version 2.3.0 if a script was included the PreCompile was ran
#include "Example - Install.iss"

In version 2.5.1 PreCompile appears to be skipped

New example attached (2,217 bytes)


2021-07-05 04:43

reporter   ~0001177

I created a new issue 0001883

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-03-09 06:33 cacofony New Issue
2015-03-09 06:45 cacofony File Added:
2015-03-09 06:47 cacofony Note Added: 0001129
2015-03-09 16:03 timchilvers Note Added: 0001130
2015-03-09 16:03 timchilvers Assigned To => timchilvers
2015-03-09 16:03 timchilvers Status new => confirmed
2015-03-09 16:05 timchilvers Relationship added related to 0001858
2015-03-09 18:52 timchilvers Note Added: 0001131
2015-03-09 18:52 timchilvers Status confirmed => feedback
2015-03-11 11:53 timchilvers Relationship added related to 0001860
2015-03-12 04:02 cacofony Note Added: 0001142
2015-03-12 04:02 cacofony Status feedback => assigned
2015-03-12 13:09 timchilvers Note Added: 0001143
2015-03-12 13:09 timchilvers Status assigned => resolved
2015-03-12 13:09 timchilvers Fixed in Version => 2.2.2
2015-03-12 13:09 timchilvers Resolution open => fixed
2018-02-24 14:55 timchilvers Status resolved => closed
2021-07-05 04:00 cacofony Status resolved => feedback
2021-07-05 04:00 cacofony Resolution fixed => reopened
2021-07-05 04:00 cacofony Note Added: 0001174
2021-07-05 04:37 cacofony Note Added: 0001175
2021-07-05 04:37 cacofony Status feedback => assigned
2021-07-05 04:40 cacofony File Added:
2021-07-05 04:40 cacofony Note Added: 0001176
2021-07-05 04:43 cacofony Note Added: 0001177