View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000141Inno Script StudioFeaturepublic2018-02-24 14:55
Reporterd1rkg3ntlyAssigned Totimchilvers 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
PlatformWindows 7 Ultimate 32-BitOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000141: Tab key ignored in code view
DescriptionThe tab key is ignored in the pascal code view.
Steps To Reproduce1. Open a script.
2. Select the "Pascal Code" node in the treeview.
3. Move the text caret to a line in the code and press "Tab". The keystroke is ignored.
Additional InformationThe tab key appears to work when viewing the entire script.
TagsNo tags attached.



2011-11-14 15:11

administrator   ~0000175

Issue has now been resolved in version 1.0.24

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-11-14 12:00 d1rkg3ntly New Issue
2011-11-14 12:20 timchilvers Assigned To => timchilvers
2011-11-14 12:20 timchilvers Status new => assigned
2011-11-14 12:20 timchilvers Status assigned => acknowledged
2011-11-14 15:11 timchilvers Note Added: 0000175
2011-11-14 15:11 timchilvers Status acknowledged => resolved
2011-11-14 15:11 timchilvers Resolution open => fixed
2018-02-24 14:55 timchilvers Status resolved => closed